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The film did not disappoint! In a day and age where a scary movie is
about "how much blood and squirt out of a body and how far can it go",
it is refreshing to see this good old fashioned romp around a haunted
Things jump out at the right moments, the imagery is creepy and disturbing. All the right makings to have people of all ages pulling their hoodies down over their faces.
The ending was Hollywoodized, but the move holds onto it's simple scary imaginative fun.
...and the house is spectacular!...as is it's location.
Things jump out at the right moments, the imagery is creepy and disturbing. All the right makings to have people of all ages pulling their hoodies down over their faces.
The ending was Hollywoodized, but the move holds onto it's simple scary imaginative fun.
...and the house is spectacular!...as is it's location.